A 26-year-old Wednesday night in Najafgarh thanakshetra maiden gaingarep with case come to light. based on the statement of the victim Thursday afternoon maiden police registered a case against her husband and two other robbers were arrested as well.
Resident Inderjit, nitin bakkarvala aka identify accused nitu and vineyards as he charged at the maiden Inderjit. your relatives in the car together with committed gaingarep. police investigating the case.
According to the information that maiden of jhajjar, Haryana has told the police that his temple in her wedding in March from Indrajit. Subsequently, the young woman went home., Delhi on Wednesday called a relative of Indrajit and after the wedding that Court marriage paved. so young woman bakkarvala. afternoon of leaving home by Indrajit and trains with his white Two relatives of the Alto car with nitin and vineyards.
Intoxicating beverages by all the ways in which the young woman fed and committed gaingarep. when it came to the senses, it turns out that the alley near the Najafgarh in the nostalgic Ashram. COP police have stood on medical examination of the victim. introduced and rep confirmed after all the accused were arrested.
According to police they close at night to a girl unconscious nine sava was reported to have told your name Ramesh information.. he does on-the-spot job in Janak Puri, reached during police questioning. damsel has informed about the whole event being reported, the maiden. also misdemeanor complaint against Indrajit mundaka station was provided entryBut at that time was rajinama.
Later on February 28, the young woman had complaints against Inderjit that attempted entrapment again. in the area of the factory significantly Inderjit. it works with his father as well as other accused of property business..
Resident Inderjit, nitin bakkarvala aka identify accused nitu and vineyards as he charged at the maiden Inderjit. your relatives in the car together with committed gaingarep. police investigating the case.
According to the information that maiden of jhajjar, Haryana has told the police that his temple in her wedding in March from Indrajit. Subsequently, the young woman went home., Delhi on Wednesday called a relative of Indrajit and after the wedding that Court marriage paved. so young woman bakkarvala. afternoon of leaving home by Indrajit and trains with his white Two relatives of the Alto car with nitin and vineyards.
Intoxicating beverages by all the ways in which the young woman fed and committed gaingarep. when it came to the senses, it turns out that the alley near the Najafgarh in the nostalgic Ashram. COP police have stood on medical examination of the victim. introduced and rep confirmed after all the accused were arrested.
According to police they close at night to a girl unconscious nine sava was reported to have told your name Ramesh information.. he does on-the-spot job in Janak Puri, reached during police questioning. damsel has informed about the whole event being reported, the maiden. also misdemeanor complaint against Indrajit mundaka station was provided entryBut at that time was rajinama.
Later on February 28, the young woman had complaints against Inderjit that attempted entrapment again. in the area of the factory significantly Inderjit. it works with his father as well as other accused of property business..